Called To Be God’s Pen

I have not made it here for a while, perhaps because I am working on a few too many creative projects–all of which I’m enjoying. I’ve also dedicated Mary’s month to reaching out to young people to encourage them to consider religious life and invite them to discernment, and that’s kept me extra-busy, up late, and writing a bit less. It’s definitely more of a challenge for me to be up till midnight and then rise at 5 AM to pray! Nonetheless, May has been a full and fruitful month in many ways. My mind and heart are currently focused on these creative projects:

  • Developing more online content for See Yourself Through God’s Eyes–a reader’s guide and a podcast. The podcast is my first ever. I’ve got the content planned, but still need to dive into producing. I also need to find a place to post the content that is ready to go up.
  • Reorganizing and creating content for the vocational/discernment parts of our community’s website:
  • Brainstorming my newest book on the Eucharist
  • Outlining a new screenplay about a nun

Blessed James Alberione, Founder of the Pauline Family

These words of Blessed James Alberione have inspired me in these past few days, and I will continue to pray with them as we move towards Pentecost:

“We are God’s instruments: his pen, his voice. It is all God! We must be like the evangelists: the Holy Spirit enlightened them to write about some things and to keep silent about others, according to his will…. We will give people words of life if we allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Tabernacle. Let us ask this grace through the intercession of Mary, who obtained the gift of the Spirit for the Church.” 
In these days as I bring the various projects to prayer, I find myself led to pray more often to the Spirit. (Even my confessor unexpectedly gave me the penance of praying with Isaiah 11:2-3, to pray for the gifts of the Spirit.) What are some of your favorite prayers to the Spirit for inspiration, creativity, wisdom, and insight?

2 thoughts on “Called To Be God’s Pen

  1. This is a beautiful and enriching reflection. Thanks for channelling and sharing it!

    One of the ways I invite and welcome the Spirit’s inspiration is to simply accept ideas that come and see where the creative mind takes them in the context of imagination and free thinking. For example, this morning as I rode in a car I started pondering about forward and backward motion, whether all motion is progress, etc. I reached some powerful observations that I believe were “sent” to me to explore. Now, of course, the challenge is to begin to put them to text and hope that I don’t lose any of them. But then again, if I believe the Spirit is operating through memory and remembrance, then what I remember is what I am meant to remember as I put the ideas to text.


    • Lisa,
      I love your reflection about accepting what comes. Sometimes that’s hard for me to do; I want to fulfill my own writing agenda, and perhaps have a sense of control. But if I can accept the moment, then I am open to where the Spirit wishes to lead me. These little gifts of the moment can lead to very exciting and unexpected creativity.

      Thanks for sharing it!


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