Talking about Family Films on Salt + Light Radio

Just a quick note to let you know that I’m doing a short 5-minute segment on Salt + Light Radio called DVD Picks, in which I comment on recent or upcoming DVD releases. This week, I talk about Soul Surfer and Rio as family-friendly films that have a “little bit more” to them than just good entertainment. You can listen live on Sirius Radio XM 129 this weekend: Saturdays 3-4 pm ET, or 10-11 PM ET, or Sundays 2-3 PM ET. You can also listen online here sometime after tonight, or you can do what I do, which is subscribe here or on itunes and listen to the show at your convenience!

Here’s the write-up for this weekend’s complete show:

Oct 1, 2011 What do you know about Dogmatic Theology? Probably not a lot – but you have heard the word “dogma” before – to explain it all in a way you can understand, this week we are joined by Fr. James Mallon, producer and host of the new DVD series, Dogmatic Theology; Sr. Marie-Paul Curley has some suggestions for movies to watch and a featured chat with singer/songwriter and spinal chord injury survivor, Renee Bondi.

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